Our cleans are a straight forward progression system with each step up you receive a more comprehensive clean with added value. However not all products will be appropriate for the current condition of your Heat Pump and we always like to ensure you pay the for the right product! So when our techs arrives they will inspect the In/outdoor units and make sure the service you’ve paid for is the one you need….


Indoor Unit

Filter reconditioning and sanitisation

Barrel fan inspection

Coil treatment application

Pressure wash evaporator coils

Condensate tray purge & line

Full chassis Sanitisation

Operational test

Temperature test

Remote Control inspection

Outdoor Unit

Coil clean application and treatment

Pressure wash condenser coils

Clean condenser unit

Remove external blockages

Condenser Safety inspection

Lagging inspection

Fan inspection

Outdoor unit switch inspection


Indoor Unit

Remove, Clean and Sanitise Filters

Remove evaporator housing & cover

Coil treatment application

Pressure wash evaporator coils

Pressure wash blower fan & air well

Condensate tray purge & line

Application of PermaSafe Mould Protection

Anti-mould - Filter treatment application

Anti-mould - Evaporator coil treatment

Full chassis Sanitisation

Operational test

Temperature test

Remote control inspection

Outdoor Unit

Coil clean application and treatment

Pressure wash condenser coils

Clean condenser unit

Remove external blockages

Condenser safety inspection

Lagging inspection

Fan inspection

Outdoor unit switch inspection


Indoor Unit

Remove, Clean and Sanitise Filters

Remove evaporator housing & cover

Attach treatment bag

Apply coil clean treatment

Pressure wash evaporator coils

Pressure wash blower fan & air well

Clean condensate tray & line

Application of PermaSafe Mould Protection

Anti-mould - Filter treatment application

Anti-mould - Evaporator coil treatment

Anti-mould - Condensate tray treatment

Anti-mould - Blower fan & air well treatment

Full chassis Sanitisation

Operational test

Temperature test

Remote control inspection


Outdoor Unit

Coil clean application and treatment

Pressure wash condenser coils

Clean condenser unit

Remove external blockages

Condenser safety inspection

Lagging inspection

Fan inspection

Outdoor unit switch inspection

Extended Services

Extended Services


    With the possible exception of a laboratory Petri Dish, there may be no environment more perfectly suited for growing and spreading microorganisms than a conventional Heat pump system.

    Designed to be self-contained and hidden from view, heat pump systems are comprised of enclosed equipment cabinets and ductwork that rarely see daylight and components that naturally produce condensation … all blanketed in a continuous stream of microbe, dust and other contaminate laden, recycled interior air. In other words, exactly the dark, damp, nutrient-rich environment in which mold, bacteria and other microbes thrive.

    Even the latest, most advanced and best maintained HVAC systems are subject to microbial contamination. All it takes to start producing bacteria is a little of the water that's ever-present in all Heat pump system., and some dust, another ingredient that's never in short supply, to start producing bacteria.

    Or, maybe your microbial misfortunes start when an infected person coughs, sneezes or laughs, sending microbe containing droplets airborne to then be picked up by your Heat pump system., recycled, and blown throughout the entire building through its ductwork.

    On the other hand, microbial infestation can result from nothing more than mold spores, bacteria or other microbes drifting into a building through an open door, window or vent, or brought indoors on someone's clothing, shoes or baggage.


    Permasafe Eliminates up to 99.999% of bacteria and viruses, mould, mildew, fungi, algae and other microbes and allergens. While stopping odours permeating your home!

    Leaving an invisible barrier on surfaces. inhibiting the growth and spread of these bacteria, mould, mildew, fungi and algae for up to 3 months.

    Makes treated Heat pump system. system surfaces antimicrobial, including evaporators, piping, condensate drain pans and even system air filters, grills, vents and thermostats.

    This can benefit the whole family so the people and pets in your home can play, work and breathe. Knowing cleaner air is circling there environment thanks to a properly serviced, PermaSafe treated Heat pump system.

  • Having explored the role heating and air conditioning systems play in the transmission of harmful microorganisms, it's important to refresh a few essential facts:

    Heat and air conditioning system filters are designed to protect the heat pump equipment, NOT people. Their chief purpose is to trap dust and debris that's in the system's incoming air supply, to keep it from interfering with any internal components.

    Most heat pumps systems are equipped with only one,

    • Single air filter , typically located behind the grill or vent assembly that covers its "

    • Return Air Duct.

    While it's important to protect an air condition system from incoming dirt and debris, positioning its sole filter at its "entrance" ignores, and provides no protection from the components that actually generate and spread microbes.

    Heat punps DO NOT produce clean, freshly conditioned air, because instead of drawing in new outdoor air to heat or cool, they mostly condition the same old, stagnant air that's already in a building, recycling it over and over until the chosen temperature is achieved. Permasafe transforms the unit into an air cleansing system.

    Virtually all of the air you breathe in any air conditioned or heated space, has been through its Heat pump system. system … numerous times. So it’s important to remember that fresh air must be added to the home to aid the absolute air quality of the home.

    However a system with the right additional treatments or components can then recondition all air to aid in pollutant removal, allergen removal and even micro-organism optimisation. For more information on air filtration and conditioning talk to our lead tech Max.